Easy Trail
Moderate Trail
Difficult Trail
Extremely Difficult Trail
Art Loop
trail_easyEasy - Trail Info
trail_moderModerate - Trail Info
trail_diffDifficult - Trail Info
trail_extreExtremely Difficult - Trail Info
trail_artloopArt Loop - Trail Info
newAdPoint_redRecreation Site
newAdPointTourism Services and Points of Interest
newAdPoint_purpleGalleries and Studious

Our Friends and Organizations, supported the development of this application.
App published by Strategic Natural Resource Consultants.

Destination British Columbia
The Oceanfront Hotel - Sointula
The Oceanfront Hotel logo
Strategic Natural Resource Consultants
Strategic Natural Resource Consultants logo


Participation in hiking, and other outdoor recreational activities can be hazardous. It must be acknowledged that you are voluntarily choosing to participate in a recreational activity that involves risk of physical injury or death.

This map focuses on public hiking trails that may border or intersect with private property. The highlighted trails and roads, as represented, do not indicate public access and do not imply the right to enter private property. Private property should be respected.

Difficulty ratings are purely subjective and it should be noted that easy to one hiker may not be for another. Please be aware of your abilities and limitations and hike within them.

We make every effort to ensure the maps are up-to-date and accurate. Due to such things as weather events, which can change conditions rapidly, it is entirely possible there may be errors. These errors or omissions should be expected for the region in which you will be hiking.

This app is a not a tool for navigation, rather intended for reference only.