Learn from the locals
Immerse yourself in culture
Embark on a remarkable trip to Vancouver Island North and the traditional territory of the Kwakwaka’wakw people as you immerse yourself in experiences that connect you further with the culture and traditions of this place. From wildlife viewing of the long-standing inhabitants of the island, cultural dining opportunities to experience local cuisine, and shared cultural knowledge best experienced through a cultural tour in this area- there are countless activities that offer travelers an opportunity to learn about this place, its people, and its deeply rooted culture.
know before you go
Here are some tips to be prepared on your travels:
- Always check the opening hours of a location as they can change with the seasons
- Be respectful of local culture, and be sure to ask before taking a photo
- Look, but don’t touch
Swipe to filter by community:
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Indigenous owned/operated
Cultural Tours
Coastal Rainforest Safaris
Port Hardy
Cultural Tours
God’s Pocket Resort
Broughton Archipelago
Indigenous owned/operated
Cultural Tours
k’awat’si Tours
Port Hardy
Cultural Tours
Karibu Adventures
Broughton Archipelago
Cultural Tours
Kingfisher Wilderness Adventures
Port McNeill
Cultural Tours
Mosaic Earth Travel
Broughton Archipelago
Cultural Tours
Nakwakto Rapids Tours
Port Hardy
Cultural Tours
Nimmo Bay Wilderness Resort
Port McNeill
Cultural Tours
North Island Overland
Port McNeill
Cultural Tours
Outer Shores Expeditions
Port McNeill
Cultural Tours
Quatse Salmon Stewardship Centre
Port Hardy
Cultural Tours
Quatsino Eco Tours